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About Us


158 Erie Street
Jersey City, NJ 07302 

Office- 201-714-4390
Fax- 201-222-9055


Division B Director- Dr.Joseph Galano

Acting Principal Sergio Cabrera
Acting Assistant Principal Jennifer Valdora
Anti-Bullying Specialist: Michele Poznanski and Nancy Pasquale
Anti-Bullying Coordinator Candace Coccaro
School Counselors: Nancy Pasquale- 420-5256 & Michele Poznanski - 418-7649


PS 37 Staff Utilization 2022-2023


New Jersey Department of Education -School Self Assessment for Determining Grades

Under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights


School and District Scores

School Grade  65   District Grade 64


The Jersey City Public Schools has implemented the requirements found in the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR), by complying with all parts of the act in reporting incidents of harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB),

in promoting awareness about HIB to staff, students, parents, and the community, and in creating and

maintaining a positive school climate in our school.

The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) has posted school and district Harassment,

Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) grades as stated in the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act. These grades were

determined by a district self-assessment released by the New Jersey Department of Education


Under the Commissioner’s Program, the school grade is a raw score of data and the sum of the ratings on the School Self-Assessment (e.g., 71 of 78 points). A school district’s grade is an average of the total scores of all schools in the school district; however, the grade our school received is not averaged with any other school since we are not part of a larger district. The department-issued grade is not represented as a letter grade. It is important to note that in order to receive a perfect score of 78, the school must EXCEED (not just meet) the requirements in all 8 elements listed below. School districts and schools must post the exact grade reports issued by the NJDOE without making any alterations to the PDF document to fulfill its responsibilities for posting the grades to the school’s website.


The Core Elements of the HIB Self-Assessment are as follows:

  1. HIB Programs, Approaches or Other Initiatives
  2. Training on the BOE-Approved HIB Policy
  3. Other Staff Instruction and Training Programs
  4. Curriculum and Instruction on HIB and Related Information and Skills
  5. HIB Personnel
  6. School-Level HIB Incident Reporting Procedure
  7. HIB Investigative Procedure
  8. HIB Reporting